Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kate and Austin

I'm sorry, this was just too good to pass up.  I was searching through our photos and came across this one from last New Year's eve.  I just had to share it. :)  

Fredrick Meijer Garden

We had a fantastic day at the gardens today.  We went with my mom (Nana), my sister Jaclyn and my niece and nephew Olivia and Colton.  It was so much fun for the kids.  It didn't hurt either that it was a gorgeous day.  Not to brag... but isn't my mom hot?  She certainly doesn't look like she could be a Nana to five grandchildren.

Big Stud Mike and Mike

O.K.  I know that once in a while camera's aren't always a great way to put things into perspective.  This would be one of those times.  This is my Mr. Stud on top of the roof next door using a sledge hammer to knock down the chimney from the roof.  Yeah, it's a two story.  You can't see Mike Richardson, but he's there too making sure that no one gets obliterated by flying debris.  I'm soooo happy our life insurance policy is up to date.

Meyers Lake

I took the kids to Meyers Lake last week.  I'm not from Rockford originally so it was a first time for all of us there.  It was great!!!  Plus the fact that it's only 15 minutes from our house makes it even more great.  :)  I think we're going to have to check more of the lakes Rockford has to offer.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Thys' 4th birthday has not officially come yet.  (It comes later this month.)  We did however have  a celebration for him already.  I'm sure you all know how hard it is to get a group together in the middle of the summer.  P.S.  Thanks Grandma Boersma for the awesome hat!  You have mad knitting skills woman!

I cannot believe our little Charlie is already ONE!!!!!  We had a couple celebrations to ring in the first year of her birth.  This past year has just blown right by.  I feel the older I get the faster they all go.  I'm just going to cling on to the these moments and kiss my kiddies more than they wish that I would kiss them!

What's better than when the little ones fall asleep after a hard day of play and Mommy and Daddy get to talk for a little while?  Not much.